November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and we wholeheartedly believe that our furry friends age like fine wine! So, we’ve come up with just a few reasons why adopting a senior pet may be your perfect fit.

1. You Can Bet on Senior Pets!
When you adopt a senior pet, what you see is often what you get! When it comes to older pets, you already have basic information like their adult size, whether they’ll need to be groomed, and even elements of their purr-sonality!
2. Oodles of Training? Not When You Adopt a Senior Pet!
Want to avoid the dreaded potty training stage? Adopting a senior pet can, more often than not, help you do that! It’s not just that, either: many senior pets come with a myriad of manners ready to go! Whether you’re looking for a pup who walks nicely on a leash or a kitty who doesn’t scratch up the furniture, a senior pet could very well fit the bill.
That said, it’s important to keep in mind that there may be an adjustment period while your furry friend gets used to their new home. We go by the rule of threes at the Humane Society of Utah, which you can learn more about here!
3. Old Dogs CAN Learn New Tricks!
We’ve all heard the old adage, but it couldn’t be further from the truth! If there’s a new cue that you’d like your pet to learn, don’t count a senior pet out. Seniors tend to have a greater attention span than a puppy or kitten, which means they often pick up cues even faster than their younger counterparts.
4. Plenty of Loving Years Ahead of You
Just because an animal has reached senior status doesn’t mean their golden years will be short-lived! Cats, in particular, routinely live into their late teens or early twenties, signifying that you could easily have a decade or more left together when you adopt a senior pet. Just make sure to keep up on vet visits and be sure your furry friend has the proper care for a good, long life.
5. Save a Life… And Your Wallet!
Many animal welfare organizations offer discounts, or even entirely waive, adoption fees for senior pets. This means you can rescue a new best friend without breaking the bank! At the Humane Society of Utah, our senior pets are “Name Your Own Price,” meaning adopters can choose what they’d like to contribute towards their furry family member’s adoption fee.

They say that the best friends are old friends! Adopt a senior pet today from the Humane Society of Utah and find out firsthand just how true that is!