There is nothing scarier than watching a beloved pet endure a medical emergency. All you want to do is help your pet, but it is difficult to know where you can turn in a crisis. That is where the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic came in when Wissy the small dog needed urgent health care. We never want to see an animal suffer, and we never want to see a family lose their pet because medical care is not available. We are honored to provide a service in the St. George community so animals like Wissy can get the care they need.

A Small Dog’s Big Health Scare
Sweet senior Chihuahua Wissy was in bad shape when she arrived at HSU’s St. George Clinic in December 2023. She suffered from a protrusion in her groin that was painful and inflamed. Desperate for assistance, her guardian contacted Susan Barrett with Angel Network. Susan runs a rescue group and helps connect Southern Utah pet guardians with animal resources. When she visited Wissy, Susan saw a sweet, incredibly loved, and cherished senior dog. She also noticed that Wissy needed immediate medical attention for her injury. Wissy’s guardian was tearful as she pleaded with Susan for assistance to save her beloved dog.
Susan brought Wissy to our clinic in St. George. Although we are not a full-service clinic, we do our best to provide care when a pet guardian needs extra assistance. Our goal is to keep animals with their families who love and care for them whenever we can. We know that most people love their pets and just want the best for them. But with inflation and medical costs increasing, more and more pet guardians struggle to afford emergency procedures like this one. When we can help relieve that financial burden and keep a pet in their loving home, nothing is more rewarding! In Wissy’s case, we performed the mass removal, blood work, dental work & spay surgery for a minimal cost, which Angel Network covered.
Wissy’s Road to Recovery
Our St. George Clinic staff wasted no time getting Wissy into surgery to save her life. With older animals like Wissy, there is always a greater risk of complications. However, our experienced veterinary staff performed a successful surgery and guided the sweet old girl through her recovery. Susan and the clinic staff were thrilled to watch Wissy bounce back splendidly! She arrived at the clinic sick and in pain. By the time she left, she was practically prancing back to her loving guardian.
Susan is pleased to report that she has since followed up with Wissy’s family, and the small dog is in great health! Her recovery went smoothly, and she is back to her happy self. Stories like this remind us of the important service we provide for pet guardians throughout the state of Utah. Without the intervention of Angel Network and our St. George Clinic, Wissy’s story might have ended very differently. When we can save an animal’s life and send them back to a family who loves them, we know we are making a difference for both the animals and the humans in our community.
Stories like this are possible thanks to our skilled clinic staff and our rescue partners in the community, like Angel Network. And of course, all of our lifesaving programs are possible because of community support and individual donors. We can’t thank our supporters enough for choosing to save lives every day!