Join the Humane Society of Utah in our advocacy effort to pass sweeping statewide regulations for pet care facilities and businesses!

There is currently little to no regulation for pet care facilities and businesses in Utah. In essence, this means any individual may represent themselves as a dog trainer, groomer, pet sitter, doggy daycare, and so on. This lack of regulation further allows almost anyone with a 501(c)(3) to claim to be a rescuer. This lack of uniformity makes it difficult for pet owners to ensure their beloved companion animals are being treated humanely.
People in our own community have experienced the disturbing and sometimes even heartbreaking consequences of this lack of regulation. Dogs have been lost on group hikes because the walker has eight dogs to watch at one time. Dog sitters have lied about showing up to a house to care for a dog, leaving the dog alone for up to 14 hours at a time. Dogs are let off leash without their guardian’s consent putting that dog and others at risk. A dog was even left in a hot car by a dog walker for over two hours, he did not survive.
However, this lack of regulation does not only affect businesses, it also impacts municipal shelters. There are no standards for euthanasia which leads to euthanasia methods not recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association. There are no rules pertaining to temperature-controlled facilities or population. There’s no standardization of cleaning methods which leads to outbreaks of infectious disease. Hoarders are able to disguise themselves as “rescues.” Animals are adopted out unvaccinated and unaltered.
It is time for change!
Here is how YOU can help companion animals in Utah!
- Find out who your local representative is here.
- Write your representative a letter asking for their support of sweeping statewide pet care facility regulations. Use one of our templates below or create your own. Feel free to pull facts from the list above to bolster your argument!
- Sign and share this petition.
- Follow our Facebook and Instagram for updates on social media, sign up for advocacy alerts, and share our posts.
- Urge your friends and family to do the same by sharing the link to this page with them.
Thank you for supporting the passage of statewide regulations for pet care facilities and businesses and thank you for helping us to Change Their World.™
Dear Representative XXX,
[Introduce yourself as a concerned constituent]
[Explain why you believe it is important for Utah to have statewide regulations for pet care facilities and businesses]
[Ask the Rep. to support standardized pet care facility regulations in Utah]
[Thank them for their time and consideration]
XXX, a concerned constituent
Dear Representative XXX,
I ask kindly as one of your constituents that you consider supporting statewide regulations for pet care facilities and businesses. There is currently little to no regulation for pet care facilities and businesses in Utah. In essence, this means any individual may represent themselves as a dog trainer, groomer, pet sitter, doggy daycare, and so on. This makes it extremely difficult for pet guardians to select a trusted and humane option for their beloved pets.
Specifically, XXX.
Please consider supporting sweeping statewide regulations to hold pet care facilities and businesses to a higher standard.
XXX, Concerned Constituent