Allergies are frustrating for many reasons, but for pet owners, they can be incredibly daunting. Enter the idea of a hypoallergenic pet, and animal lovers rejoice! But do hypoallergenic pets truly exist? According to organizations such as the AKC, VCA Animal Hospitals, and The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the short answer is no.
What are Pet Allergies?
To understand why this is the case, we need to look deeper into what it is about pets we are actually allergic to. The idea of a hypoallergenic dog or cat suggests that dander and pet fur are the primary sources of pet allergies. While dander can potentially spike allergies, saliva, and even urine are often the real culprits. As there are no terrestrial mammals that don’t salivate or urinate, finding a truly hypoallergenic pet can be a challenge.

Further complicating matters, allergies vary from person to person and from pet to pet, so it can be hard to pinpoint a dog or cat that will be hypoallergenic in an all-encompassing sense. In addition, Genetics is a fickle science, and you can never know for sure what traits are going to pass to the offspring of any given pet. So, for example, even if a Goldendoodle you met in the past did not trigger allergies for you, that doesn’t mean all Goldendoodles will carry the exact same traits, and you could be allergic to one and not another.
Finding the Right Pet for Your Allergies
But animal lovers with pet allergies don’t despair! Just because hypoallergenic pets aren’t what common belief often suggests doesn’t mean there aren’t pets that affect certain people’s allergies less than others. People who are allergic to cats may not be allergic to bunnies. Again, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula, so our best recommendation is to spend time with the pet you are considering bringing into your home affects you before sealing the deal with adoption. You can also work with your doctor or an allergist to see if there are alternative methods of controlling your pet allergies.
We’d consider the shelter myth of hypoallergenic pets officially busted!