Peter Cottontail hops down the bunny trail with many treats! However, while some parts of the Easter celebration are safe for our pets to partake in, others are not. Follow these Easter pet safety tips to ensure a “Hoppy” holiday!
- Easter Treats
Keep pets away from anything containing chocolate or xylitol (sometimes called “birch sugar”), which is a popular ingredient in sugar-free candy. Don’t allow children to store their Easter baskets in their room. Pets have very strong noses and can likely find even the most carefully hidden treats. Keep candy up high and stored securely out of paws reach.
- Easter Foliage
Easter lilies and tulips may be beautiful, but are often deadly for cats. Be sure to keep these popular flowers out of your bouquets if feline friends could come across them. Safer alternatives include roses, gerber daisies, and sunflowers.
- Easter Decor
Plastic Easter grass causes several vet visits every year as ingesting it can cause blockages and intestinal damage. If your pet does ingest Easter grass, refrain from pulling strings out of their backside. String can become twisted around your pet’s insides and pulling it out can cause further damage. Please visit your emergency veterinarian instead.
- Egg Hunts
If you’re hiding eggs, be sure to note how many eggs you’ve hidden and where they are. Both plastic and real Easter eggs can cause issues for pets if eaten or broken. Keep pets clear of the egg hunt area until everything has been thoroughly cleaned up.
- Easter Dinner
Sharing a plate with your pet? It’s important to know what foods are not pet-safe, such as onions, avocados, olives, garlic, grapes, cooked bones, uncooked dough, and alcohol.